Love the Earth – Death and Birth: A tribute to Polly Higgins

Polly Higgins was a lawyer who woke up to the realization that the laws around the desecration of the planet had to change. She started Mission Life-force advocating for Eco-cide laws that make it a criminal offence like genocide to allow acts that kill people and life through harming the environment. They were putting a case against Shell last November and she had death threats in December. A month ago we heard that Polly had not recovered from what was thought to be pneumonia and was subsequently diagnosed … “Polly has developed cancer in left lung (partially collapsed), sternum, spine, oesophagus and liver.

Amazon Intention Earth Day 2019

Earth Day Intention: “Our Focused Heart Intention is that the Waorani people are proclaimed guardians of their ancestral grounds and mapped territory. The territory is recognised as giving life to Waorani and contributing significantly to our Global Ecology. The area is no longer called Oil Block 22 and oil exploration and drilling is forbidden. The court decision sets a precedence for all other Indigenous people of the Amazon.” We, as a collective and as individual seekers are increasing our awareness of the needs of the Indigenous people and the land they live… Read More

Protecting Cetaceans

Loud, repeated blasts of sonar can cause a dolphin to temporarily lose its hearing, according to an investigation into a suspected link between naval operations and cetacean strandings. Numerous beachings of whales, dolphins and porpoises have occurred over the past decade, prompting a finger of blame to be pointed at warship exercises. Some experts believe the mammals’ hearing becomes damaged by the powerful mid-frequency sonar used by submarines and surface vessels, prompting the creatures, which themselves use sound for navigation, to become disoriented. A investigation by the Nature and Parks Authority was… Read More